Hi Melinda, these questions are probably better suited for the users group
rather than the dev group (which concerns itself with database internals
and feature development).  I'd recommend reposting over there.

On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 6:16 AM Melinda Zoe <zoe.meli...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> Hello Group,
> I’ve been following the group for a while and I’m ready to take a stab at
> Cassandra. I have two questions as I plan everything out:
> 1.    If I create the database on Mac OS, what is the process for
> migrating it to another environment like Windows? This concerns me because
> I’m not sure who will host me later. Is it as simple as copying and pasting
> the database and moving all of the files over or will the database need to
> be converted?
> 2.    I want to use Cassandra for a website that will rely heavily on
> content that I provide the user. I plan on uploading content daily. Have
> any of you created a template for uploading records into Cassandra or have
> any of you created a script for loading multiple records at a time?
> Melinda

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