I think you can refactor any project with little risk and increase test
What is needed:
Rules. Discipline. Perseverance. Small iterations. Small iterations. Small

   - Refactor in the smallest possible unit
   - Split large classes into smaller ones. Remove god classes by pulling
   out single methods or aspects. Maybe factor out method by method.
   - Maintain compatibility. Build facades, adapters, proxy objects for
   compatibility during refactoring process. Do not break interfaces if not
   really necessary or risky.
   - Push states into corners. E.g. when refactoring a single method, pass
   global state as parameter. So this single method becomes testable.

If you iterate like this maybe 1000 times, you will most likely break much
fewer things than doing a big bang refactor. You make code testable in
small steps.

Global state is the biggest disease, history of programming has ever seen.
Singletons are also not supergreat to test and static methods should be
avoided at all costs if they contain state.
Tested idempotent static methods should not be a problem.

>From my experience, you don't need a bloated DI framework to make a class
testable that depends somehow on static methods or singletons.
You just have to push the bad guys into a corner where they don't harm and
can be killed without risk in the very end.
E.g. instead of calling SomeClass.instance.doWhatEver() spread here and
there it can be encapsulated in a single method like
TestableClass.doWhatever() {SomeClass.instance.doWhatEver()}
Or the whole singleton is retrieved through TestableClass.getSomeClass().
So you can either mock the hell out of it or you inject a non-singleton
instance of that class at test-runtime.

2017-03-17 19:19 GMT+01:00 Jason Brown <jasedbr...@gmail.com>:

> As someone who spent a lot of time looking at the singletons topic in the
> past, Blake brings a great perspective here. Figuring out and communicating
> how best to test with the system we have (and of course incrementally
> making that system easier to work with/test) seems like an achievable goal.
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Blake Eggleston <beggles...@apple.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I think we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves talking about DI
> > > frameworks. Before that even becomes something worth talking about,
> we’d
> > > need to have made serious progress on un-spaghettifying Cassandra in
> the
> > > first place. It’s an extremely tall order. Adding a DI framework right
> > now
> > > would be like throwing gasoline on a raging tire fire.
> > >
> > > Removing singletons seems to come up every 6-12 months, and usually
> > > abandoned once people figure out how difficult they are to remove
> > properly.
> > > I do think removing them *should* be a long term goal, but we really
> need
> > > something more immediately actionable. Otherwise, nothing’s going to
> > > happen, and we’ll be having this discussion again in a year or so when
> > > everyone’s angry that Cassandra 5.0 still isn’t ready for production, a
> > > year after it’s release.
> > >
> > > That said, the reason singletons regularly get brought up is because
> > doing
> > > extensive testing of anything in Cassandra is pretty much impossible,
> > since
> > > the code is basically this big web of interconnected global state.
> > Testing
> > > anything in isolation can’t be done, which, for a distributed database,
> > is
> > > crazy. It’s a chronic problem that handicaps our ability to release a
> > > stable database.
> > >
> > > At this point, I think a more pragmatic approach would be to draft and
> > > enforce some coding standards that can be applied in day to day
> > development
> > > that drive incremental improvement of the testing and testability of
> the
> > > project. What should be tested, how it should be tested. How to write
> new
> > > code that talks to the rest of Cassandra and is testable. How to fix
> bugs
> > > in old code in a way that’s testable. We should also have some
> guidelines
> > > around refactoring the wildly untested sections, how to get started,
> what
> > > to do, what not to do, etc.
> > >
> > > Thoughts?
> >
> >
> > To make the conversation practical. There is one class I personally
> really
> > want to refactor so it can be tested:
> >
> > https://github.com/apache/cassandra/blob/trunk/src/java/
> > org/apache/cassandra/net/OutboundTcpConnection.java
> >
> > There is little coverage here. Questions like:
> > what errors cause the connection to restart?
> > when are undropable messages are dropped?
> > what happens when the queue fills up?
> > Infamous throw new AssertionError(ex); (which probably bubble up to
> > nowhere)
> > what does the COALESCED strategy do in case XYZ.
> > A nifty label (wow a label you just never see those much!)
> > outer:
> > while (!isStopped)
> >
> > Comments to jira's that probably are not explicitly tested:
> > // If we haven't retried this message yet, put it back on the queue to
> > retry after re-connecting.
> > // See CASSANDRA-5393 and CASSANDRA-12192.
> >
> > If I were to undertake this cleanup, would there actually be support? IE
> if
> > this going to turn into an "it aint broken. don't fix it thing" or a "we
> > don't want to change stuff just to add tests" . Like will someone pledge
> to
> > agree its kinda wonky and merge the effort in < 1 years time?
> >

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