First, check out this graph:

More issues were marked resolved in the past 30 days than were opened,
which is a testament to the fact that a lot of people are doing a lot of
work. Some of those are features, some are bugs, some are JIRA cleanup, but
green is over red for the first time in a long time.


A number of people have removed themselves as reviewers of open issues, and
this is often a natural thing as people de-clutter their boards, especially
when old tickets linger and aren't updated. If you have a ticket you think
is ready for review, and someone just unassigned themselves as a reviewer,
make some noise here - ask for a review.


We committed the circle.yml, and it's now really easy to run unit tests
using CircleCI - link your github account to circle ( ) and you'll see build status of all your
branches ( ). This is
free - if you're a normal casual developer, the free plan will be MORE THAN
ENOUGH for you to test occasional branches. There's already been some
iteration on the yml config to improve it, and more is in flight, overall
I'm pretty optimistic about this as a viable CassCI replacement. We have a
travis config as well, not yet committed because we haven't really tested
it - if anyone loves travis and wants to +1 the yaml, feel free to check


I'm not linking any tickets this week (I got busy, I have no idea what's
actually new and interesting, sorry), but if you're looking for weekend
fun, here's a JIRA link for Patch-Available and no reviewer:

And here's one for unresolved critical issues:

And here's a fun link on how to write docs without having to use git or
anything else:

Finally, nobody's found time to answer those grad students' questions on
thread interaction:

- Jeff

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