I am curious to know how people practically use Snapshot restore provided that 
snapshot restore may lead to inconsistent reads until full repair is run on the 
node being restored ( if you have dropped mutations in your cluster).
Example:9 am snapshot taken on all 3 nodes10 am mutation drop on node 311 am 
snapshot restore on node 1. Now the data is only on node 2 if we are writing at 
quorum and we will observe inconsistent reads till we repair node 1.
If you use restore snapshot with join_ring equal to false, repair the node and 
then join the restored node when repair completes, the node will not lead to 
inconsistent reads but will miss writes during the time its being repaired as 
simply booting the node with join_ring=false would also stop pushing writes to 
the node ( unlike boostrap with join_ring=false where writes are pushed to the 
node being bootstrapped) and thus you would need another full repair to make 
data of the node restored via snapshot in sync with other nodes.
Its hard to believe that a simple snapshot restore scenario is still broken and 
people are not complaining. So, I thought of asking the community members..how 
do you practically use snapshot restore while addressing the read inconsistency 
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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