On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 12:44 PM, Tyagi, Preetika <preetika.ty...@intel.com>

> Hi all,
> When I click on "Submit Patch" option, it pops up a new screen where it
> asks for a bunch of details including Fix Version(s).

IF you know it, the 'Fix Version' should be set to the branches the bug

For example, a bug that is in 3.11.0 that impacts trunk but doesn't exist
in 3.0.15, you'd set 3.11.x and 4.x, that way whoever goes to merge/commit
it for you knows which branches it impacts.

> Does the patch need to be synced up with the latest repo or I can just
> choose which version I worked with (which may not necessarily be the latest
> and hence one would be need to fetch that specific repo version in order to
> compile source with the patch)?

Any patches are better than no patches, but obviously patches for all
impacted branches are better than a patch just for the branch you use.

> Also, there is no option to upload the patch file on this screen. Can
> someone point out where to actually upload the patch? I haven't done before
> so might be asking dumb questions! :)

Paste a link to github or similar if you need, but usually "More" ->
"Attach Files" to upload a patch, and then "Submit Patch" is the workflow
to notify everyone that it's patch-available.

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