In addition to these, maybe we could consider to change other as well? Like:

1. bump roles_validity_in_ms, permissions_validity_in_ms, and
   credentials_validity_in_ms as well - maybe at least to a minute, or 2. I
   have seen multiple times when authentication was failing under the heavy
   load because queries to system tables were timing out - with these
   defaults people may still have the possibility to get updates to
   roles/credentials faster when specifying _update_interval_ variants of
   these configurations.
2. change default snitch from SimpleSnitch to GossipingPropertyFileSnitch -
   we're anyway saying that SimpleSnitch is only appropriate for
   single-datacenter deployments, and for real production we need to use
   GossipingPropertyFileSnitch - why not to set it as default?

Jeremy Hanna  at "Wed, 22 Jan 2020 11:22:36 +1100" wrote:
 JH> I mentioned this in the contributor meeting as a topic to bring up on the 
list - should we
 JH> take the opportunity to update defaults for Cassandra 4.0?

 JH> The rationale is two-fold:
 JH> 1) There are best practices and tribal knowledge around certain properties 
where people
 JH> just know to update those properties immediately as a starting point.  If 
it's pretty much
 JH> a given that we set something as a starting point different than the 
current defaults, why
 JH> not make that the new default?
 JH> 2) We should align the defaults with what we test with.  There may be 
exceptions if we
 JH> have one-off tests but on the whole, we should be testing with defaults.

 JH> As a starting point, compaction throughput and number of vnodes seem like 
good candidates
 JH> but it would be great to get feedback for any others.

 JH> For compaction throughput 
(, I've made
 JH> a basic case on the ticket to default to 64 just as a starting point 
because the decision
 JH> for 16 was made when spinning disk was most common.  Hence most people I 
know change that
 JH> and I think without too much bikeshedding, 64 is a reasonable starting 
point.  A case
 JH> could be made that empirically the compaction throughput throttle may have 
less effect
 JH> than many people think, but I still think an updated default would make 

 JH> For number of vnodes, Michael Shuler made the point in the discussion that 
we already test
 JH> with 32, which is a far better number than the 256 default.  I know many 
new users that
 JH> just leave the 256 default and then discover later that it's better to go 
lower.  I think
 JH> 32 is a good balance.  One could go lower with the new algorithm but I 
think 32 is much
 JH> better than 256 without being too skewed, and it's what we currently test.

 JH> Jeff brought up a good point that we want to be careful with defaults 
since changing them
 JH> could come as an unpleasant surprise to people who don't explicitly set 
them.  As a
 JH> general rule, we should always update release notes to clearly state that 
a default has
 JH> changed.  For these two defaults in particular, I think it's safe.  For 
 JH> throughput I think a release not is sufficient in case they want to modify 
it.  For number
 JH> of vnodes, it won't affect existing deployments with data - it would be 
for new clusters,
 JH> which would honestly benefit from this anyway.

 JH> The other point is whether it's too late to go into 4.0.  For these two 
changes, I think
 JH> significant testing can still be done with these new defaults before 
release and I think
 JH> testing more explicitly with 32 vnodes in particular will give people more 
confidence in
 JH> the lower number with a wider array of testing (where we don't already use 
32 explicitly).

 JH> In summary, are people okay with considering updating these defaults and 
possibly others
 JH> in the alpha stage of a new major release?  Are there other properties to 

 JH> Jeremy
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With best wishes,                    Alex Ott
Principal Architect, DataStax

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