Hi everyone,

With TCM landed, there will be way more Harry tests in-tree: we are using it 
for many coordination tests, and there's now a simulator test that uses Harry. 
During development, Harry has allowed us to uncover and resolve numerous 
elusive edge cases.

I had conversations with several folks, and wanted to propose to move 
harry-core to Cassandra test tree. This will substantially simplify/streamline 
co-development of Cassandra and Harry. With a new HistoryBuilder API that has 
helped to find and trigger [1] [2] and [3], it will also be much more 

Besides making it easier for everyone to develop new fuzz tests, it will also 
substantially lower the barrier to entry. Currently, debugging an issue found 
by Harry involves a cumbersome process of rebuilding and transferring jars 
between Cassandra and Harry, depending on which side you modify. This not only 
hampers efficiency but also deters broader adoption. By merging harry-core into 
the Cassandra test tree, we eliminate this barrier.

Thank you,

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-19011
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-18993
[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-18932

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