Hi Maxim,

Thanks for working on this CEP! 

The CEP addresses some of the features we have been discussing for Cassandra 
Sidecar. For example, a dedicated admin port, moving towards more CQL-like 
interfacing with Cassandra, among others.

I think virtual tables intended to bring the gap down between JMX and CQL. 
However, virtual tables cannot action on node operations, so CEP-38 is finally 
addressing that gap.

I look forward to collaborating in this CEP, I think Cassandra and its 
ecosystem will greatly benefit from this enhancement.

- Francisco

On 2023/11/13 18:08:54 Maxim Muzafarov wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> While we are still waiting for the review to make the settings virtual
> table updatable (CASSANDRA-15254), which will improve the
> configuration management experience for users, I'd like to take
> another step forward and improve the C* management approach we have as
> a whole. This approach aims to make all Cassandra management commands
> accessible via CQL, but not only that.
> The problem of making commands accessible via CQL presents a complex
> challenge, especially if we aim to minimize code duplication across
> the implementation of management operations for different APIs and
> reduce the overall maintenance burden. The proposal's scope goes
> beyond simply introducing a new CQL syntax. It encompasses several key
> objectives for C* management operations, beyond their availability
> through CQL:
> - Ensure consistency across all public APIs we support, including JMX
> MBeans and the newly introduced CQL. Users should see consistent
> command specifications and arguments, irrespective of whether they're
> using an API or a CLI;
> - Reduce source code maintenance costs. With this new approach, when a
> new command is implemented, it should automatically become available
> across JMX MBeans, nodetool, CQL, and Cassandra Sidecar, eliminating
> the need for additional coding;
> - Maintain backward compatibility, ensuring that existing setups and
> workflows continue to work the same way as they do today;
> I would suggest discussing the overall design concept first, and then
> diving into the CQL command syntax and other details once we've found
> common ground on the community's vision. However, regardless of these
> details, I would appreciate any feedback on the design.
> I look forward to your comments!
> Please, see the design document: CEP-38: CQL Management API
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CASSANDRA/CEP-38%3A+CQL+Management+API

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