I think listAccounts api also gives that info ? If this is not easy to
find please find an enhancement on JIRA. Thanks.


On 24/10/14 11:51 AM, "Logan Barfield" <lbarfi...@tqhosting.com> wrote:

>We have a cluster that is dedicated to a specific domain, and that domain
>has resource limits set.
>What would be the best way to display the currently utilized resources to
>the user of that domain?
>It's fairly easy with an API call to get the "Max" for each resource, but
>so far I've been unable to find a good way to grab the currently utilized
>resources (memory, primary storage, secondary storage) via the
>or User APIs.
>I can do it via the Admin API, but even then it takes a few different
>to grab the data before cleaning it up and formatting it.

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