Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Upayavira wrote:

I get the CLI to generate /docs/index.html and follow links. If it generates the whole site, it gives me a good idea as to how it is working, and how fast it is working.

It isn't the best test method, as there are features of the CLI that this isn't testing - e.g. link rewriting. I can see that I need a more targetted test suite, aimed to show up flaws in these features.

One reason why I haven't done this because I haven't worked out how to. Should I just create a sample, or I guess I could add my tests to src/webapp/tests/. And have a cli-test.xconf somewhere that can be used to run the tests. (I would like to come up with a way to automate the checking of the results, but for the time being, checking the resulting pages will be a manual process).

Does all this make sense? The better the idea - the easier it'll be for me to implement.

Until we've done this, the docs is all I have!


Now, perhaps I did get something wrong, but as far as I understand
you, you are using the CLI and generate the whole site from the docs directory. But this has nothing to do with the docs directory
in the build\webapps directory, or am I wrong?

No, to use the CLI, I need a webapp, just like the servlet. And to test the CLI, I need a webapp with some pages in it. Therefore, I use the docs in the webapp (build/webapp/docs/) to test it.

Even if you would use that directory as your source you can
use the src\docs directory.

We could configure the webapp\docs to use src\docs which would avoid some copying, but I'm not sure if that really helps us all that much.

Clearer now?

Regards, Upayavira

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