Tony Collen wrote:

Berin Loritsch wrote:

I have not been able to work on Cocoon actively in a while, and I really
enjoyed the time I have been able to work on it.  I will be chasing other
projects, most of which will not be on the server side.  If you have the
odd question, feel free to shoot me an email.

Thank you all for the opportunity to learn and to become a better developer.
Without the help of some of you I would still be mediocre today. :P


It was nice having you around on the lists. I can totally understand and appreciate the "burn-out" factor. I've recently hit an inspirational (as well as energy) low-point, but I'm still going to press on. Everybody needs a vacation. good luck with your future ventures, and I think I speak for everybody when I say that I look forward to the day you make your glorious return :)

Thank you for the kind words, though "glorious return" does seem a bit grand for such an occasion. If you are curious what I am up to, you can track it here:


"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                - Benjamin Franklin

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