The licensing problems can be solved by writing the validation transformer in terms of the JARV api, Then JARV have a run time discovery mechanism for finding the actual implementation of the schema language,

There are a couple of different implementations of JARV, MSV (RELAX NG/Core/Namespace, TREX, W3C XML Schema, XML DTD) and Jing (RELAX NG) has built in JARV support and there is an external JARV driver for Xerces2 (W3C XML Schema). JARV and the Xerces2 driver has AFAIU MIT License.

So by using JARV we get validation with Jing, Xerces2 and Jing without licensing problems and people who want to use MSV, just need to download it and change the configuration.

J2SE 1.5 contains a validation api javax.xml.validation that is a superset of JARV and there is a adaptor from JARV to that interface

Still it is a bad if we not can include MSV. It contains a schema data type library with validation and Java conversion for all XML Schema data types, that IMO would be useful in CForms for adding XML Schema data types as well.


Antonio Gallardo wrote:

David Crossley dijo:

So it seems to me that we cannot re-distribute MSV.

Unfortunately, yes. We cannot redistribute. :-(

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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