Nathaniel Alfred wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Fagerstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2005 15:42
Subject: Re: [RT] Block usage

a block deployer block
Basically the block deployer will be a stand-alone application (Ant task, Maven plug-in, Eclipse plug-in, ...). Of course somebody could write a web interface for it which could be a cocoon block.
As you can see in my original message I proposed: a block deployer block, a block depoyer webapp block. Web interface and functinality should cleary be kept separately.
Having read the OSGi whitepaper but not having followed in detail the
discussion about the vision of "real blocks", I am confused now.

Aren't OSGi bundles already what Cocoon blocks want to be? "Just" package each block into a bundle with the right dependencies and deploy it into the OSGi kernel.

What am I missing?
The OSGi bundles solves an important and technically complicated part of the "real blocks". Everything we do today with the current "compile time blocks" will be possible to do in a much more convenient way with OSGi bundles, using their mechanisms for deployment, packaging, dependency resolution, classloader isolation etc.

But the block vision doesn't stop there (see for an introduction and for more details). In a layer above the bundle mechanism blocks can also acts as component containers and one block can ask another one for components.

In the top layer, a block can offer sitemap services. Here the relation between a block and the kernel is somewhat analogue to the relation between a servlet and the servlet container. A block can contain a sitemap it can be mounted at a certain URL during deployment, it can contain parameters that are bound at deployment time. There is also a block: protocol that is kind of extended cocoon: protocol for block usage. A block can call piplines in another block through the block: protocol. There will be a certain transformer that rewrites block: URLs to their mount point.

Also blocks are somewhat like objects in OO, they can implement interface blocks and they can extend another block. An extending block can polymorphically override URLs in the extended block.

The sitemap aspect of blocks is not just a better way to do something we really have it provides a new and more structured way to create reusable webapps, see point 5 in my original message in this thread for an example.

More details can be found in the references above.

The sitemap aspect of blocks is on its way. I'm hopefully just a few working days from a first version. Just need to find time for actually doing it.


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