Peter Hunsberger wrote:
On 5/31/05, Daniel Fagerstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

BURGHARD Éric wrote:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

If you want to help making JXTG faster you need to submit more
information. We need examples that reproduce this behaviour with the
JXTG template and the corresponding XSLT. We also need to know exactly
what version of 2.2 you used. How did you measure preformance? Profiling
info is rather helpful

I apologize.

No problem, these performance issues is always a little bit touchy ;)

It should probably be pointed out that other people have found that
the latest releases of Saxon 8 are significantly faster than previous
versions of Saxon (and it was already faster than many processors). We've seen much better preformance for some of our stuff. So, much of
this might be a Saxon issue and not JXTG/Cocoon issue...

Éric's scripts made heavy use of JXPath on DOM trees, so until I'm proved wrong with hard profiling data, I will assume that it is a JXPath issue rather than an JXTG/Cocoon issue ;)

To be able to do know if and in that case where e.g. JXTG have performance problems we need to set up benchmark scripts and profiling as part of the distro.


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