On 8/30/07, Leszek Gawron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Client side javascript has exactly the same problem our flowscript has:
>    - debug tools are: print( "here I am" ) and nothing more (apart from
> GWT which uses 'advanced magic').

Not quite: Firebug for FireFox is wonderful for debugging AJAX code.
Let's you see the request the response, the current value of any form
field, etc.

FWIW, we have replaced all of our front end code that previously used
Flash with AJAX code, the developers are more productive and the
results are more esthetically pleasing.  I personally feel that there
are major advances to be made on front end scripting, but the current
crop of AJAX tools are a major leap forward from anything else we've
had available for complex cross browser UI functionality in the last
10 years.

Peter Hunsberger

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