Simone Tripodi wrote:
> Hi all guys,
> even if a little late, I noticed an old email[1] in the users ML where
> one of C3 users was asking us how to integrate a JAXB marshaller into
> C3.
> After provided the hint, I suggested him to send a patch but at the
> same time I don't know if it could be applied because of the
> licensing: on the JAXB documentation I'm reading is reported that.
>  * "JAXB is a redistributable component of the JWSDP" that's covered
> by the JWSDP License[3]
>  * "Parts of the JAXP software bundled with JAXB are covered by the
> Apache License and the W3C License"
> I'm not a lawyer and honestly not expert about licenses: do you have
> any info that confirm we can/can't add JAXB in C3?
> Also Javolution[4] contains a nice and fast XML marshaller[5], but
> Javolution is released under the BSD[6] License. Are we allowed to
> integrate Javolution in C3?

I've never used JAXB, but I found
which says that JAXB is part of Java 6.

In order to remain Java 5 compliant, we have to add an optional JAXB
dependency. Maybe Apache WS, CXF or Geronimo offer an AL 2.0 complient
implementation or you could at least find out how they provide JAXB support.

Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member        

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