On 04/08/2011 17:08, Simone Tripodi wrote:
Hi all guys and sorry for have overlooked that discussion.
A GT is what I really wish see realized :) I spoke also with Francesco via chat 
and we both agreed/wish on give new energy to C3 promoting a GT.

I tried to go to Vienna last year to meet Reinhard and Steven, but 
unfortunately didn't have enough budget to go (here in Italy salaries are not 
at EU level - unless you are a Politician :P) :(

I would like - just my wish - to propose the University of L'Aquila (Italy) as 
next Cocoon3 GT for 2 main reason (3, since it is the city when I was born :P ):

  * on April 6, 2009, it was partially destroyed by a earthquake[1] and it's 
still in terrible conditions - so organizing a so great event would hopefully 
attract the interest

  * because of it, the University lost a lot of students, we could maybe help 
them attracting guys

It is just a prototypal idea, I should speak with people I'm still in touch 
there before doing a real proposal... anyway, how does it sound?

Hi Simone,
as per our recent discussion about this topic, I would personally love this Cocoon GT in L'Aquila :-)

If other people agree, I can of course help organizing, either personally and by contacting some people at the University - it has been my University too :-P.

Gents, WDYT?

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Lars Huttar<lars_hut...@sil.org>  wrote:
On 7/18/2011 4:49 PM, Lars Huttar wrote:
As we've been talking about Cocoon "Do-ocracy" and community
contributions, my mind turns to my past attempts to help develop Cocoon,
and the vast gap that seems to yawn between me and being able to
contribute effectively. While I would love to be able to contribute,
there is quite a stack of technologies that seem to require mastery
first... e.g. Maven, Wicket, Spring...?

I suspect that much of this would be reduced if I could sit down and be
walked through a process with a knowledgeable person who can tell me
what I do and don't need to learn, and of whom I could ask targeted

And that leads me to ask, what are the possibilities of a Cocoon
GetTogether this year? next year?
(The sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned!)

AFAIK the last GT was in 2005? The hackathon sounded very productive.

(Sorry for not replying directly to others' replies, but I don't seem to
be receiving them in my inbox (I read them at

Given that there may not be enough people and sponsorship for a Cocoon
GT, what about some kind of virtual GT?
I.e. a concentrated time of group web presence.

We could still have presentations, Q&A, hackathon, maybe using audio
channel such as Blink/Mumble/TeamSpeak...

For me, the most valuable part would be a tutorial on getting up to
speed on Cocoon development... with the minimum grounding in
Maven/Wicket/Spring/Java servlet technologies required, and with plenty
of opportunity to ask questions. A couple of simple "hello world"
tutorials would be worth a lot.

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Apache Cocoon Committer and PMC Member

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