Hi Javier,

Thank you, this is clear.
1. I agree with the fact that the "blocks" mechanism (SSF) is more modular
than mounting submaps.
2. That been said, I need to bear that in mind to estimate the work. Just
need to assess if they
    translate into each other.

By the way, to my knowledge there is a production site with Apache Cocoon 3:


That is the one that I created.
is there another one?

Kind regards,

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Javier Puerto <jav...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Jos
> 2012/9/25 Jos Snellings <jos.snelli...@upperware.biz>
>> Dear all,
>> Considering the upgrade cost of an existing project to cocoon-3,
> You have to bear in mind that it's still in beta and there's some
> components that's are not migrated yet but we have one production site
> working with Apache Cocoon 3.
>> I have the following question:
>> what happened to map:mount?
> Was deprecated for 2.2.x version.
>> As in:
>>  <map:match pattern="**">
>>         <map:mount src="residuary-treatment.xmap" check-reload="no"
>> uri-prefix="" />
>>  </map>
>> It was a handy modularity mechanism to reduce the size of sitemaps.
>> Is it no longer there?
>> Do we need it? Do we want it?
> For Apache Cocoon 2.2.x and 3.0, the "block" is the new unit of
> modularization. You can see some examples here:
> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/1291_1_1.html
> It's based on Servlet Service Framework subproject. More info here:
> http://cocoon.apache.org/subprojects/servlet-service/servlet-service-impl/architecture.html
>> Kind regards,
>> Jos
> Salu2.

The doctrine of human equality reposes on this: that there is no man
really clever who has not found that he is stupid.
        -- Gilbert K. Chesterson

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