Hi Niall,

The source of the misunderstanding regarding the usage of chain may be
my fault. Thank you very much for piping up and letting us know some
of the history regarding the chain project.

I was under the assumption that all keys of a Context were String
because in ContextBase in the initialization method we have:

        // Retrieve the set of property descriptors for this Context class
        try {
            pd = Introspector.getBeanInfo
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
            pd = new PropertyDescriptor[0]; // Should never happen

        // Initialize the underlying Map contents
        for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
            String name = pd[i].getName();

            // Add descriptor (ignoring getClass() and isEmpty())
            if (!("class".equals(name) || "empty".equals(name))) {
                if (descriptors == null) {
                    descriptors = new HashMap<String,
PropertyDescriptor>((pd.length - 2));
                descriptors.put(name, pd[i]);
                super.put(name, singleton);

When you look at the method signature on FeatureDesriptor for
getName() for the following call:

String name = pd[i].getName();

you will see that the only acceptable choice is a string. Thus, if you
are subclassing ContextBase, you have to use Strings as keys in order
to make the BeanUtils glue work or you have to have a beanless

I'm of the opinion that standardizing on String or <? extends
CharSequence> as the generic key for Context will make using Context
far more usable. Otherwise, if you use a non-string key, you will be
fighting many parts of the API that assume a String key.

Also, what made me assume that the contract was for String-only keys
was the fact that the test cases only use String keys (that is unless
my memory is failing me).


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Niall Pemberton
<niall.pember...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Simone Tripodi <simonetrip...@apache.org> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Niall,
>> thanks for the hint!
>> Anyway (DISCLAIMER: I'm putting in the original chain author's shoes,
>> so I couldn't say the truth) I immagine that users would be interested
>> on having, as a Context, not just a place where storing computed
>> element to be shared between chain commands, but having also the
>> possibility of customizations adding, for example, shared clever
>> methods - take a look at the concrete default
>> {{org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ContextBase}} implementation where
>> there is an index of PropertiesDescriptors.
> I understand what Chain does - I was the last active Chain committer.
> I was also around when it was developed for Struts.
> You miss the point I make though. Context is currently an interface
> that extends the Map interface - it adds nothing, zilch, nada, rien to
> the Map interface
> public interface Context extends Map {
> }
> So the only thing having "Context" does is it prevents use of any
> standard Map implementation. It doesn't prevent any fancy or clever
> implementations you want to create - but just restricts what you can
> pass through the Chain.
> Also I just looked at your changes to the Context definition and
> you're now adding a second restriction - that the keys to the Context
> have to now be a String. Thats great for people who effectively want a
> property name - but its a new limitation for those that don't and I
> don't see any benefit to that limitation.
> Niall
>> Honestly thinking, after raw your message, I'd tend to agree that
>> Map<String,Object> would be more than enough - just for the record,
>> that's what we deed indeed in the Apache Cocoon3 Pipeline APIs - but
>> at the same time I like the idea of having dedicated Chain API as
>> shown in the current implementation.
>> Hard to take a decision...
>> Simo
>> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
>> http://www.99soft.org/
>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Niall Pemberton
>> <niall.pember...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 12:21 PM, James Carman
>>> <ja...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
>>>> I agree with Paul here.  Extending Map (or any other class for that
>>>> matter) when what you really want to do is encapsulate it is silly.
>>>> Is the Context really meant to be used in any place where a Map can be
>>>> used?  I would think not.
>>> I always thought the other way. I never understood why context wasn't
>>> just a Map, rather than a new Chain specific type extending Map.
>>> Using Map has its advantages. Firstly the contract it provides besides
>>> get/put are useful operations on the context (containsKey(), size(),
>>> entrySet() etc.etc) , secondly (if it was a "plain" Map) there are
>>> standard implementations & wrappers that can be used giving features
>>> such as concurrency, ready-only etc. and thirdly tools & libraries
>>> understand how to operate on a Map.
>>> Niall
>>>> On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 11:54 PM, Paul Benedict <pbened...@apache.org> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I want to get rid of it extending map. Have it define as asMap()
>>>>> function instead. Especially since JDK 8 is bringing in extension
>>>>> methods, which adds new (and default) methods to all collections, it
>>>>> won't look very nice. Let's make a break now.
>>>>> On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 9:20 PM, Raman Gupta <rocketra...@fastmail.fm> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 09/04/2011 04:00 PM, James Carman wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Simone Tripodi 
>>>>>>> <simonetrip...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> That is able to 'auto-cast' the retrieved object while Map#get() not.
>>>>>>> I believe the feature is actually called "type inference", not 
>>>>>>> "auto-cast."  :)
>>>>>> Thanks for the explanation... I see now that via the generic method
>>>>>> the compiler infers the return type from the assignment type.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Raman
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