
This is the part that confuses me. Why are you adding this complexity
layer to optimization framework, specially when this is completely
non-standard way to interface with it? If you want some fancy framework
for differentiation why not created a wrapper function?

I fully agree!

Why would someone think about second derivatives in optimizations
using finite differences? This is not used, and not stable.
If the user doesn't want to deal with implementation themselves, they
can use your differentiation framework as a wrapper. Why is this
forced on to the user in the optimization framework?

Great, another user, not just yet another OO programmer!

Dimitri Pourbaix                         *      Don't worry, be happy
Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique *         and CARPE DIEM.
CP 226, office 2.N4.211, building NO     *
Universite Libre de Bruxelles            *      Tel : +32-2-650.35.71
Boulevard du Triomphe                    *      Fax : +32-2-650.42.26
 B-1050 Bruxelles                        *        NAC: HBZSC RG2Z6
http://sb9.astro.ulb.ac.be/~pourbaix     * mailto:pourb...@astro.ulb.ac.be

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