The DOAP files are currently held under


This is sort of convenient for editting, but means the doap file gets
included in tags and branches and may get included in source.
If included in source, the release date may be missing or inaccurate.

The DOAP files are only needed for building, so
don't really belong as part of the source.

So I think the files should be moved out of trunk.

They could be moved into the parent directory, i.e.


The advantage is that it is still part of the component SVN tree; the
disadvantage is that it is slightly awkward to update, as one must
checkout the folder using --depth filesonly.

Another possibility would be to create a separate directory for all
the DOAP files.
This would create a bigger workspace, but would be slightly easier to
use - omitting the --depth qualifier would not result in a huge
accidental checkout of all tags and branches.

[Whatever directory is chosen, it would be trivial to update the
projects.a.o build config file.]


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