Hi again,

Simo and I had a chat about chain lately. We agreed on the points he has 
already mentioned (see below). Some additional issues that we came across:

* The xml module has dependencies to digister. This should be removed if 
* Base classes of the API are currently in o.a.c.c.core.impl package. This is 
awkward, because the base classes really belong to the API. I came across this 
issue while trying to create a test for o.a.c.c.Chains. I'm not able to use 
ChainBase in that test because it is in another module (the core module).

As a first step for me to get used to the API, I'd like to to move convenient 
base classes like ChainBase and CommandBase to the API package. WDYT?


Am 27.05.2013 um 09:31 schrieb Simone Tripodi <simonetrip...@apache.org>:

> Hi all Chain-ers,
> I had yet another small review yesterday[1] at current Configuration
> APIs and I am not satisfied yet for the following reasons:
> * org.apache.commons.chain2.CatalogFactory should maybe moved from
> `core` module to the `api` module;
> * org.apache.commons.chain2.CatalogFactory is an abstract class, but
> the static `getInstance()` method relies to a specific concrete
> implementation;
> * org.apache.commons.chain2.CatalogFactory mixes the concept of
> Factory and Registry - more I read that codebase, more I get confused,
> IMHO it should be split in two different classes with two different
> roles;
> * after introducing the configuration facade APIs,
> org.apache.commons.chain2.CatalogFactory#checkForValidConfigurationModule()
> lost its purpose - I suggest to drop it and make the CatalogFactory
> completely un-aware of the existence of the configuration.
> * the most confusing part is still, IMHO, how the config APIs work:
> the org.apache.commons.chain2.config.ConfigParser#parse(URL) method
> parses a textual format of Chain representation and populates
> org.apache.commons.chain2.CatalogFactory retrieving the static
> singleton instance and populate it... IMHO, it would be easier if the
> `parse(URL)` method just returns a CatalogFactory instance.
> This is just to start, I think much more will come when I'll have
> another look at current codebase.
> Now, the question is: is there any committer(s)/contributor(s) that
> can/wishes to help on the Chain component? Due to my reduced spare
> time slot, I cannot handle it all alone and it would be good, after
> more than one year of work, speaking about an RC :)
> Many thanks in advance, all the best!
> -Simo
> [1] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1486478
> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> http://simonetripodi.livejournal.com/
> http://twitter.com/simonetripodi
> http://www.99soft.org/
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