
we had this discussion lately where we talked about attracting new
contributors for commons [1]. Over the past few days I've been thinking
about this topic again and I've come to the conclusion that there are
several things we could do to improve our "public relations".

Here is a list of things that I would like to change (and by this I mean,
that I volunteer to do the work ;-)

1. Make commons more visible in coding social media
 - request git mirrors for every proper component, so that everything is
also at github
 - add all proper components to Ohloh (and clean up the existing ones)
 - create a Twitter account where we can post news from commons. The Mesos
project already has such an account. [2]

2. Make the website more attractive
 - Use a modern design - I don't know who said it, but I loved it when
someone said "our website looks like we're java 1.3 users". Well, this is
true. Simone made several attempts to make commons switch to the maven
fluido skin [3,4,5]. I think the time has come to finally do something
about the website.
 - include a news section on the main page - Having all the components
listed on the home page is a good thing for navigation, but what I'm really
interested in, are news about the development. A new git mirror has been
created? Cool, thanks for telling me. Collections 4 alpha1 has been
released? Good to know, I'll download it right away. No need for a big fat
list that contains all components when most people probably only use a few.


[1] http://markmail.org/message/o7ef6o4ahe23k5iu
[2] https://twitter.com/ApacheMesos
[3] http://markmail.org/message/tkh4yqfcqg5i444g
[4] http://markmail.org/message/jnlyhbh5yq3zp54t
[5] http://markmail.org/message/jk4addjqw67476bk


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