> In effect, some time ago we evoked the possibility to drop GA support
> altogether since the code seemed little used and a lot of work was
> anticipated for making it useful beyond demo applications.

It is rather surprising, that ASF doesn't have any complex and extensive AI
instruments. I was looking for ANN some time ago and found only Mahout,
which seemed rather idle.
But Commons projects, IMO, are a good place for GA, while there is no
activity on AI merging/separating.

but lacking human resources
> it's unlikely to become a reality any time soon.

 You can always point to lacking features by opening JIRA reports, but
> unless
> you intend to work on them yourself, I wouldn't bet on having them fixed
> rapidly.

If someone would want to start a large overhaul of the GA code, that is
> worth considering.

There surely can be a big scope. Btw, I'm still a student (last year of
So, I can do things listed and some more as a GSoC project (I was planning
to participate anyway).
- I wrote my vision and ready to refine it,
if you care to comment.

I find it strange, that ASF list for GSoC doesn't include any Commons
projects or widely known (Cassandram Solr, Kafka, etc.) Is it even possible
to participate on behalf of Commons Math this year?

Do you mean using an existing library, or do you suggest implementing the
> functionality specifically for CM?
> I'm not sure, which way is preferred. There is Commons Pool, that can
become a dependency, but is it okay to get any dependencies beside Junit?
And implementing It would definitely enlarge codebase. Which is less of two

2016-03-17 21:35 GMT+03:00 Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>:

> Hello.
> On Thu, 17 Mar 2016 19:11:16 +0300, Семенов Кирилл wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been using genetic algorithm for some pet projects. And I'd like to
>> shed some light on a number of topics.
> Thanks for you interest.
> Given that there exist Java softwares that seem to provide a more complete
> features set, I'd be interested to know a user's opinion on how the
> CM implementation compares with those.
> In effect, some time ago we evoked the possibility to drop GA support
> altogether since the code seemed little used and a lot of work was
> anticipated for making it useful beyond demo applications.
> 1. Am I correct to think, that now GA is working in a single thread?
> Certainly.
> Very few CM codes are multi-thread ready.  It was one of the task to
> be tackled for future versions of the library, but lacking human resources
> it's unlikely to become a reality any time soon.
> In
>> such case, was there any discussions on the subject (I didn't find within
>> a
>> quick check of Jira).
> There were discussions (cf. "dev" ML archive).
> If not, could you provide some API reference. The
>> subject is important, because the ability to be distributed is one of the
>> key features of the GA.
>> 2. Was there talks about implementing Pool for chromosomes? I found
>> enhancement proposal https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-1219 -
>> which is aimed to solve the same problem - creating an enormous amount of
>> chromosomes in each generation. Chromosomes after each generation hangs in
>> a heap waiting for GC. Also, object pool can be implemented, supposing
>> that
>> chromosome would consist of List<? extends PooledObject>.
> If someone would want to start a large overhaul of the GA code, that is
> worth considering.
> Do you mean using an existing library, or do you suggest implementing the
> functionality specifically for CM?
> 3. Examples of using getRepresentation method of AbstractListChromosome
>> seem misleading. Because getRepresentation  is protected method and
>> writing
>> classes that implement MutationPolicy/CrossoverPolicy can't use it. For
>> rapid development one could implement public overriding method, but can't
>> it be defined public in AbstractListChromosome? If one is to write some
>> particular policy, he must override getRepresentation method in
>> CustomChromosome. But if one wants to write some common genetic policy
>> (e.g., some reordering crossover), he would face an obstacle mentioned.
>> I'd like to create tasks for those in Jira. Just want to make sure, that
>> these topics would be useful and gather some information, other
>> devepoler's
>> opinions on a matter.
> You can always point to lacking features by opening JIRA reports, but
> unless
> you intend to work on them yourself, I wouldn't bet on having them fixed
> rapidly.
> Best regards,
> Gilles
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С уважением,
Семенов Кирилл Павлович

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