On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> we do seem to have different opinions when it comes to binary compatibility
> and how it should be handled. Usually we would say "this should be decided
> on a component basis". However this discussion is coming up again and again
> and I think we should try the impossible and agree on something that we can
> document.
> So here is my view on the topic:
> - since our components are depended upon by a lot of projects, we need to
> take special care regarding compatibility.
> - we must not break BC in a release that could collide with an earlier
> version. In other words, when we break BC, we have to change package and
> maven coordinates.
> - BUT since we're all doing this on our spare time, there is no need to
> hold on old APIs just for the sake of it. For this reason, BC may be broken
> any time, if the steps above a followed and it has been discussed on the
> ML. Fixes can always be backported to old releases, by people who need it.
> - If there are committers who are willing to work on old version and
> committers who want to work on API redesigns, we can branch and work in
> paralell.
> - Changing the Java Language requirement does not break BC and can
> therefore be done without pumping the major version.
> What is your view on the topic?
> +1 to all points


> Benedikt

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