> Now we are getting way off topic, but I would argue that a message that
> contains no specific context information would still be a good message.
> There is nothing wrong with a debug message of logger.debug(“User: {},
> userId); as this contains all the context information you need to determine
> where it originated.
> Generally it is quite a PITA to constantly have to code:
> debug(“Performing action X in method foo in class “ + MyClass.class);

1. We are talking about a library.
2. There are ways to access the stack if you really want to

> It is also more expensive since you are doing String concatenation whether
> you want debug messages or not. Logging frameworks exist to a) make logging
> easier and b) to separate generating the log events from what happens with
> them.

This is only a problem if you assume to be constantly logging everything -
which you might be a fan of. I am not (for a library).

> The other problem with using a simple debug() construct is that typically
> you will have Application —> library1.method1
> —>library1.method2—>library2.method1—>library3.method1—>debug msg which
> makes it difficult to determine where the message originated if the message
> only contains general information about the error.

Sorry - don't get that.

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