On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 10:08 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi
> inside of [compress] we've already got an implementation of CRC32C (used
> by Snappy, "borrowed" from Hadoop) and will soonish have xxhash32 (used
> by LZ4).
> I was wondering whether these implementations would belong in one of the
> other components (as well as - rather than instead of - compress) but
> I'm not sure where it would fit.
> [codec] and [io] could be candidates but neither holds any
> java.util.zip.Checksum implementations as of now.
> Neither CRC32C nor xxhash32 are cryptographic hashes so using codec's
> digest package feels wrong.

I agree both [io] and [codec] feel wrong. I would throw [lang] into the
hat, but in fact I don't see a perfect place in any of the components.

Maybe create a "checksum" package in codec?


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