Hello all,

We have an open pull request from Amey 
<https://github.com/apache/commons-text/pull/61>) proposing a fairly 
complicated but quite nice travis-ci build solution (taken from the jacoco 
project) that accommodates building on JDK7, JDK8, JDK8-ea, EclipseJava, 
JDK9-ea, as well as IBMJava-8. To accommodate building on all of these 
different versions of Java, we do however need to make the travis-ci build a 
good deal more complex. 

As the two reviewers on the pull request, Pascal and myself, have mildly 
differing opinions on the complexity-value trade off here, with Pascal’s 
opinion being: "…[T]his is overkill. I don't think commons-text needs to be 
tested against the eclipse java compiler and early access versions of java 8 
and 9. The script looks difficult to debug and maintain.” And my perspective is 
that this could be a test piece for using this elsewhere in commons.

To me, the argument for simplicity is always quite compelling, to the point 
that I’m mostly willing to let go of using the jacoco travis-ci pattern. But I 
figured I would, before making any decisions, see what the community thinks 
generally about this possible travis-ci build script.


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