On Aug 4, 2017 2:11 PM, "Gary Gregory" <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:

For example, I have a enum like:

public enum CardinalDirection (NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST)

public CardinalDirection nextRandomDirection() {
   return rng.next(CardinalDirection.class);

This approach may be a bit slow if the random values are near an inner

In order to select a random enum value, you need to get hold of an array
containing all the possible values (equivalent to what gets returned by the
generated  "public static CardinalDirection[] values()".

This requires calling Class::getEnumConstants, which does a little
reflection, caches the result, then returns a clone of the resultant array.

It may be better to construct a random enum value generator object that
holds a copy of the values array, plus an RNG with the desired

A more general method would take an array of values, or a Supplier<T[]>
function (e.g. CardinalDirection::values).

You could use a cache in the RNG, keyed by the class, but that's still
going to be a bit expensive in the middle of a tight loop.



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