2020-07-24 11:25 UTC+02:00, Torsten Curdt <tcu...@vafer.org>:
> It still needs a person to decide to merge a PR for a new version.
> So this indeed is just about the dependency upgrade policies.
> But isn't that what the version definition is for?

In practice, I think that all we can assume is that the version
string is a quick-glance summary of changes, for human

> I'd argue that 1.12.4 <-> 1.12.6 should be a compatible upgrade AND
> downgrade,
> 1.12.4 -> 1.20.0 not so much.
> But to avoid all this is why I usually try to inline dependencies for
> libraries as much as possible. Basically pretending to not have any.
> This of course depends on whether the dependency can be isolated that way.
> Also a point I made many times.
> Just wanted to mention it - again :)

I think that it would be great that "Commons" has a common
policy for dealing with this (so that we don't have to repeat
ourselves every now and then).
A long time ago, the "shade" feature seemed the perfect
answer to that problem.  Yet, to avoid dependencies even
on another Commons component, several of us continue to
support the copy/paste option.


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