Hi everyone,

I think I figured part of it out myself.
The wiki page 
does not mention that commons-compress is needed in the classpath.

The github project has some other flaws, too. I will put in some more work.


Am Sa., 24. Apr. 2021 um 23:22 Uhr schrieb Benjamin Marwell
> Hi everyone,
> I tried to use vfs2 in a verify.groovy script like this:
>     def fsManager = VFS.manager
>     def file = 
> fsManager.resolveFile("gz:tar:${basedir}/target/dependencies/vfs-invoker-groovy-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.tar!/hello.txt")
> While this works in a junit+groovy maven test case, it won’t in a
> verify.groovy script called by the invoker plugin.
> The exception message is:
>     org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException: Could not find file
> with URI 
> "tar:/home/user/git/apache/vfs-invoker-groovy/target/it/vfs-it/target/dependencies/vfs-invoker-groovy-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.tar"
> because it is a relative path, and no base URI was provided.
> This is odd, because as the junit test case shows, it is not a
> relative path, and it does work in a junit+groovy test.
> I did set up an example repository here:
> https://github.com/bmarwell/vfs2-verify-invoker
> run this command to get a build log:
> $ mvn verify -Prun-its
> to get the build output on the command line:
> $ mvn verify -Prun-its -DstreamLogs=true
> Note I haven’t yet added the groovy test case I mentioned.
> Please keep me in CC, as I am not a member of this list.
> Thanks,
> Ben

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