
Thanks for the design update. I will review and get back to you with more
detailed feedback. Here are some quick thoughts:

On Fri, 10 Jun 2022 at 12:55, Sumanth Rajkumar <rajkumar.suma...@gmail.com>

> Hi Alex and Giles,
> Thanks for the feedback.
> 1) Backward Compatibility and Complex Interface
> Yes. I understand the backward compatibility requirement and my goal is to
> be fully backward compatible.
> Fortunately, the existing Complex class has private constructors and so it
> is possible to refactor it as an interface.
> I was able to make the change along with a ComplexCartesianImpl class and
> run all unit tests successfully. I did not have to make any changes to unit
> tests.
> "mvn test" runs successfully on my local machine after the changes

'mvn test' will not run binary compatibility checks. You should try
building with the default goal: 'mvn'. This will run a binary
compatibility check japicmp:cmp in the 'verify' phase as it requires the
packaged jar file.

> We could split complex unary operators into two primitive functions (
> ToDoubleFunction<Complex>) one returning the real part of result and other
> for imaginary part
> interface ComplexFunction  {
>      ToDoubleFunction<Complex> getReal() ;
>      ToDoubleFunction<Complex> getImaginary() ;
> }
This has concerns for efficiency. Look at some of the more involved
functions and you will see that there will be a lot of repeat computation
if you pass in the same complex number twice.

And for example the Conjugate implementation would look like this
> ComplexFunction conj = new ComplexFunction2() {
>         @Override
>         public ToDoubleFunction<Complex> getReal() {
>             return complex -> complex.real();
>         }
>         @Override
>         public ToDoubleFunction<Complex> getImaginary() {
>             return complex -> -complex.imag();
>         }
>         };
>    };

Quite verbose. However, can you even use a lambda function here?

> And the functions used like below in Complex and ComplexList
> Complex {
>     // default implementation are immutable always returning new instance
> to maintain b/w compatibility
>     default Complex applyFunction(ComplexFunction  function) {
>         return
> Complex.ofCartesian(function.getReal().applyAsDouble(this),function.getImaginary().applyAsDouble(this));
>     }
>  }
> }
> ComplexList {
> ..
> // applies changes in place
> void forEach(ComplexFunction fun) {
>     ToDoubleFunction<Complex> realFunc = fun.getReal();
>     ToDoubleFunction<Complex> imgFunc = fun.getImaginary();
>     ComplexCursor cursor = new ComplexCursor();
>     while (cursor.index < r.length) {
>         cursor.apply(realFunc.applyAsDouble(cursor),
> imgFunc .applyAsDouble(cursor));
>         cursor.index++;
>     }
> }
> ...
> }
> Does this make sense or we just stick to the original interface that
> includes ComplexResult<R>?

I think a function for a complex number requires a real and imaginary input
and somewhere to put the real and imaginary answer. How to express this in
an interface that allows chaining is the tricky part.


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