Hello devs. I need a little help.

1--Say that I want to implement a new feature/function that, technically
exists in the math4 or legacy, but it doesn't exist in commons- geometry or
commons- numbers. What is the protocol? Do we create a ticket on math4 and
put the new code in math4 and ignore the geometry/numbers projects?

2--Can contributors remove code from math4 and move it to the other new
math projects? I see in GitHub for commons-math it says: "Functionality
still within "Commons Math" is gradually being modularized and refactored".
Is there documentation that explains the precise way math4 should be
refactored and modularised and who is allowed to even touch math4 and move
functionality out of the library?

3–Are the math-related projects (like numbers and geometry) final? For
example, where is calculus gonna go? Is there gonna be a new project like
commons-calculus? Same question for other math theories.

4--Are the submodules of the numbers and geometry projects final? Geometry
has the commons-geometry-euclidean module and a few more. Will there be new
modules added to the math-related projects, as time passes?

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