The reason you can't stop the replication process is because that pid is supervised and will be restarted in the event of abnormal termination, even if the HTTP request is canceled.

I agree that it's pretty pointless to keep trying to restart the replication if the source or target DB does not exist. I can add some code to short-circuit things and return a sensible error. I wonder if the policy should be to try to create the target if it does not exist?


On May 21, 2009, at 6:12 AM, Antony Blakey wrote:

OK, this was stupid stupid user error, but interesting in that I couldn't stop the replication process - I had to go through the process list and kill each couchdb process.

This occurs if you pull replicate into a db that hasn't been created. I think the replicate call should fail in that case.

On 21/05/2009, at 6:58 PM, Antony Blakey wrote:

Anyone seen this before?

=ERROR REPORT==== 21-May-2009::16:51:57 ===
Error in process <0.15765.3> with exit value: {{badmatch,undefined}, [{couch_rep,get_missing_revs,2},{couch_rep,enum_docs_since,4}]}

[info] [<0.15762.3>] - - 'POST' /acumen-content/ _missing_revs 404 [error] [<0.275.0>] replication enumerator exited with {{badmatch,undefined},
{couch_rep,enum_docs_since, 4}]} .. respawning
[debug] [<0.15770.3>] couch_rep HTTP get request: 
[debug] [<0.15770.3>] couch_rep HTTP post request: 
[debug] [<0.15767.3>] 'POST' /acumen-content/_missing_revs {1,1}
Headers: [{'Host',"localhost:5984"},{'Transfer-Encoding',"chunked"}]
[debug] [<0.15767.3>] httpd 404 error response:

[error] [emulator] Error in process <0.15770.3> with exit value: {{badmatch,undefined},[{couch_rep,get_missing_revs,2}, {couch_rep,enum_docs_since,4}]}

I had a replication that started giving this error. If I kill it and restart the replication it immediately throws this again and again i.e. the ability to replicate is permanently hosed.

Antony Blakey
CTO, Linkuistics Pty Ltd
Ph: 0438 840 787

Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?
 -- Douglas Adams

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