No objections to couchdb-lucene being a subproject at all. I'll let
others chime in on the merit of subprojects in general.


On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Benoit Chesneau<> wrote:
> 2009/8/14 Chris Anderson <>:
>> Many Apache projects have sub-projects, for two good example see:
>> which has 9 sub-projects
>> which has 10
>> I think one benefit of having sub-projects is broadening the
>> community. I think it also helps to give people looking at CouchDB for
>> the first time an easier way to see some of the really cool tools and
>> libraries it's offers.
>> Also, I think it sounds relaxing. Being able to keep an eye on a more
>> of the Apache-licensed CouchDB ecosystem in one repository I think
>> will result in stronger code.
>> I'd like to see a few projects out there become sub-projects, and
>> maybe there are others we should include as well. Here's a list of 3:
>> The CouchDB-Lounge project provides a CouchDB clustering via a smart
>> HTTP proxy. I can see bringing that code in, and using it as a
>> scaffold for our Erlang clustering infrastructure. If we do it right,
>> deployments will have wide flexibility over which tools to use to
>> scale CouchDB, being able to mix, say, CouchDB-Lounge's consistent
>> hashing nginx-proxy for document CRUD, but use Erlang view merger or
>> other cluster-optimized view engine. If someone is already a heavy
>> nginx shop, but doesn't want to merge views in twisted python, they
>> could see benefits to a mix and match architecture.
>> Informally I asked Kevin Ferguson of CouchDB-Lounge if they'd be
>> interested and he said it sounds great.
>> CouchApp is a set of scripts to make deploying CouchDB design
>> documents easy. I've been involved in it for a while, and Benoit has
>> put a lot of time into it. The tool and the JavaScript framework it
>> goes with are starting to have a community, and should gain more
>> interest when the O'Reilly book goes to press. Benoit Chesneau is
>> excited about bringing CouchApp into the CouchDB project.
>> CouchDB-Lucene is another good candidate. I haven't asked Robert
>> Newson yet what he thinks about it, but I think the project would be a
>> good fit.
>> There may be more candidates I'm missing, or maybe people will think
>> I'm batty for having the idea in the first place... comments welcome.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> --
>> Chris Anderson
> Having Couchapp as a CouchDB subproject would be great. Imho using
> apache infrastructure for bugs and release process is good for users
> and developpers. Also since couchapp and other projects mentionned
> here are dependant on couchdb and sometimes require changes/evolution
> from CouchDB I think it's good to have all of them together.
> So yest, that should be good! :)
> -benoit

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