On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 25 Nov 2009, at 00:40, Noah Slater wrote:
>> On 24 Nov 2009, at 23:32, Noah Slater wrote:
>>> On 24 Nov 2009, at 22:51, Elliot Murphy wrote:
>>>> libmozjs is not available in the Ubuntu 9.10 environment, so the CouchDB 
>>>> package is patched to build and run against xulrunner, where libmozjs.so 
>>>> is available. I don't know all the details of this, but it's some sort of 
>>>> complication with the way spidermonkey releases are made (or not made). 
>>>> You definitely don't want to install libmozjs on Ubuntu 9.10, as you saw 
>>>> it will try to remove the world.
>>>> I'm know you know this already, but just so the search engines help the 
>>>> next person out: the easiest way to get the correct build dependencies 
>>>> installed on Ubuntu (or Debian) is "apt-get build-dep couchdb" and then 
>>>> you'll have all the right xulrunner-dev stuff installed to be able to 
>>>> build from source.
>>> If I do this, will I need to hack any environment variables or anything 
>>> else?
>> Nope, this does not work with a simple "./configure" which is a bit of a 
>> problem.
>> What do you suggest Ubuntu users do if they want to build CouchDB from 
>> source?
>> Having to hack around with stuff is undesirable.
>> If there is a patch to configure.ac someone wants to submit, I'd be happy to 
>> apply.
>> At the moment, we look in a bunch of standard directories for the 
>> dependancies, and we could modify this.
> I think additionally looking in the non-standard directory that xulrunner 
> uses in addition to the existing search path is the most sensible way forward.
> These would be /usr/lib/xulrunner- for libmoz.js (--with-js-lib) and 
> /usr/include/xulrunner- for jsapi.h (--with-js-include). We'd 
> need to check how much of the version string we can wildcard.
> Cheers
> Jan
> --

Could we build statically couchjs ? actually building it against
xullrunner lib won't be enough since it need to find them when it's
loaded aparts doing the hack ubuntu does in their startup script.

I could have a look in configure.ac later this morning but wonder what
is the best way

- benoƮt

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