On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 05:38, Andrey Somov <trophyb...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Thank you very much for your time and efforts.
> It helped me to understand something but for each explanation I got 10 new
> questions :)
> Just the first one.
> *>> open_async(Server, From, DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
> >>    Parent = self(),
> >>
> >First, store the current process ID so it can be accessed later on, from a
> >closure running in another process.*
> There is only one couch_server process. It is created like this:
> gen_server:start_link({local, couch_server}, couch_server, [], []).
> As far as I understand it means that there is no need to remember the
> process ID (Parent), and instead of
> gen_server:call(
>                Parent, {open_result, DbName, Res, Options}, infinity
>            ),
> we can use
> gen_server:call(
>                couch_server, {open_result, DbName, Res, Options}, infinity
>            ),
> I have many more but to avoid misunderstanding I would propose to stop
> here.
> I will try to dig further myself.
> When I have specific questions I will try to approach this list.
> Thank you !


This is exactly right. Although, the 'safer' thing to do which makes
refactoring easy is to use the special constant ?MODULE to refer to the name
of the current module.
More than one way to get things done :)

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