I am publicly taking ownership of this project, and will run point on it.

I've not contributed code to CouchDB for a while, and my free personal time is 
scarce, but I am in the best position to do this work. I know Autotools and 
DocBook very well, and have integrated them in the past.

On 21 Jun 2012, at 16:25, Simon Metson <si...@cloudant.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>> This has nothing to do with docbook, we generate HTML and we can link to 
>> that in Futon, I don't think we want to generate the Futon-docs part in 
>> docbook, but happy to be proven wrong. I think it'd be easer to make a 
>> docs.html in futon that keeps the header and sidebar and just shows the 
>> /_docs/... link.
> I'm probably just showing how little I know about docbook ;) (not helped by 
> their documentation wiki being down currently…). If this was sphinx I'd write 
> a theme that would be applied to all the generated html, making it easy to 
> plug into futon (or style for other purposes). I'm assuming we could do the 
> same thing with docbook, though putting the generated content in an iframe is 
> probably quicker (and is what I've just done).
>>> What about things like pulling in Dale's jquery.couch.js docs 
>>> (daleharvey.github.com/jquery.couch.js-docs/symbols/index.html)? 
>>> (http://daleharvey.github.com/jquery.couch.js-docs/symbols/index.html)?)
>> We should definitely consider this, but I think that is out of scope for 
>> this particular patch.
> Agreed, just thinking ahead a bit.
> Cheers
> Simon  

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