On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Benoit Chesneau <bchesn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> VoilĂ , hopefully this thread can be a good start for merging rcouch,
> bigcouch & apache couchdb and will ease merge of the other features imo.

As a distributor, the most important deficiency in today's release
tarballs is the fact that pretty much all the dependencies are
bundled, with no convenient way to use system copies. IMO this should
be done especially for C libraries like snappy and spidermonkey, but
preferably also for the Erlang parts with an alive upstream. I haven't
tracked it to closely, but I always get the impression that CouchDB
just vendors upstream and isn't that good about making sure patches
end up upstream as well (and tracking what versions correspond to the
dependencies shipped with a given CouchDB tarball).



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