And just to clarify some points...

On 22 October 2012 19:46, Dan Haywood <> wrote:

> Poking around your website and wiki, it does seem to me that you've managed
> to make GIT into your primary repo, and abandon SVN all together?

We still use SVN for our website. Everything else is in Git.
Two separate repositories, for two separate things.

> My question is: is there a process for doing this?  All of the
> documentation in ASF at the moment seems to be related to maintaining a GIT
> mirror but still having SVN as the master.

We definitely do not run a Git mirror of anything. We use Git directly.

We have a mirror of our primary Git on Github, but that is for the
convenience of Github users.

By the way, Git works fine at the ASF, IMO. We have no problems that I know
of. :)


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