Hi, David. Yes, you make very good points. I even think you (and Benoit)
may be ultimately correct

I dispute that Node.js is V8. Node is not V8. Node.js is a direct link to
God. When I pray to God in the JavaScript language, God moves electrons
around inside my computer. He writes files to my disk, and He sends packets
out my Ethernet cable.

A thought experiment: Find some computer power users or sysadmins. Break
them into two groups, with one task each:

1. "Install Node.js on your computer, by any means"
2. "Install V8 on your computer, by any means"

Which group would self-report more success? Which group would register more

That is the sort of question I hope to answer (or at least supply some
data). With any luck I can falsify my theory and theology.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:35 PM, david martin <david.mar...@lymegreen.co.uk
> wrote:

> On 25/01/13 11:18, Jason Smith wrote:
>> My **tentative** position is that V8 is a waste of time. We should use
>> Node.js, not V8. In other words, we should not change couchjs to link
>> against libv8.so instead of libmozjs.so. Instead, we should **remove** the
>> couchjs binary and build a 100% compatible node version. Again, this is my
>> *suspicion*  but I want to explore it more.
>> Embedding V8 is, roughly, the same work as embedding SpiderMonkey. It does
>> not change much. We still depend on an obscure VM with a quirky build
>> system.
> According to Wiki
> "Node.js is a packaged compilation of Google's V8 JavaScript engine, the
> libUV platform
> abstraction layer, and a core library, which is itself primarily written
> in JavaScript."
> "We still depend on an obscure VM ( so V8 is an obscure VM although it is
> embedded in Node.js ) with a quirky build system."
> Get rid of all quirky build systems, use rebar which builds everything AND
> produces an installable relocatable executable package containing Erlang VM
> and V8  VM and C routines as NIF's where required for speed.
> So Node "is" V8 plus a lot more which is not required
> --
> David Martin

Iris Couch

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