On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:47 AM, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:

> Note to the list. I am flagging this thread as something to distill into
> our community guide. I think it's important we talk about this somewhere
> that is a little less easy to loose than a mailing list post.

I suspect that you've hit the kernel of why a subset of potential
contributors to the project feel like the everything-must-be-on-the-ML
requirement is onerous.

While I fully recognize that the infrastructure to do what I'm about to
describe doesn't exist and wouldn't be a trivial project to create, it
sounds like what is really wanted is some sort of feed aggregation.
 Something like:

- An ASF project has an official per-project feed that is
committer-required (similar to the current ML subscription requirement)
- External tools like github can have their feeds piped directly into the
official ASF feed for the project
- Things like facebook and google+ can have community curators that tag
things as needing to show up in the feed (I presume that you can do things
like say "I want an RSS feed of everything user X tagged as Y")
- Similarly, mailing list threads could be included as well, when

I think that trying to use the ML as a feed aggregation tool, archive and
discussion forum all at once makes for a bad fit, and is why there has been
some push back about it.


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