OSX. Sigs check, but after copying the app to /Applications and trying
to run it, I get the following dialog:

Problem Running CouchDB
CouchDB Server doesn't seem to be operating properly. Check Console
logs for more details
[Quit] [Retry]

Trying to run it from the console:

14:35:32 elis@oort couchdbx-core> ./bin/couchdb
Apache CouchDB 1.6.1 (LogLevel=info) is starting.
Illegal instruction: 4

No new entries in var/log/couchdb/couch.log that I can see.

Ping me (wickedgrey) on IRC if you want me to try some things in
real-ish time. Not sure how long I'll be at my keyboard, but worth a
shot if you need to.

On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> Heya,
> I’ve made Mac binaries for the ongoing 1.6.1 vote:
> http://people.apache.org/~jan/dist/packages/mac/1.6.1/
> Testing as usual:
> - Download
> - Test signatures
> - Double click to unzip
> - Double click to start (make sure no other couch is running on port 5984)
> - Futon should open up in your browser. Navigate to “Verify Installation”, 
> and then verify your installation.
> Do report the results :)
> Note: This is baed on a completely new build process that is dependent on 
> Homebrew. This will make it possible for anyone to make binaries, and we will 
> even be able to make binaries as part of the CI setup, so we can get test 
> binaries for every commit. This should get users testing bugfixes early on! :)
> I’ll write it all up and link it when I’ve got it all together.
> Also, this could be a request for rc4 binaries for Windows, Nick? :)
> Best
> Jan
> --

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