Andy Wenk
Hamburg - Germany

GPG public key: 

> On 4. Apr 2017, at 05:13, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 04/03/2017 05:17 PM, Joan Touzet wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I wanted to express a concern with my CouchDB PMC hat on.
>>> There is some great work being merged by Cloudant here. But I'm not
>>> seeing the Review-Then-Commit pattern being followed in a
>>> significant
>>> number of these PRs coming through to any of our repos.
>>> Take as an example this one, which is one of 4 related PRs to merge
>>> replicator scheduling work. None of these 4 PRs shows an
>>> independent +1
>>> posted to the comment thread, or even a token +1 by a fellow
>>> Cloudant
>>> committer.
>> A branch was deleted because because monorepo work made it invalid.
>> Nothing was merged. I think it might be confusing seeing the PR
>> auto-close after branch delete and assuming it was because of a
>> merge...?
>> This is still WIP. There will be new PR and a mailing list
>> announcement
>> soon.
> Thanks Nick, I appreciate it, though there have been other merged
> branches in the last couple of months that didn't have visible +1s
> on them.
> My comments on documentation and testing still stand.
> -Joan

Joan, thanks for bringing this up - it is very important to speak about this. 
In my daily work I have one
important thing (next to many others) to do: make sure that tests are written, 
make sure that the documentation 
and make sure that all developers are able to follow along when writing code or 
work on code from others. The 
quality will drop immediately if these things are left behind and that’s a no 
go. So I would like to point to 
the guidelines at 
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COUCHDB/Contributing and ask 
everyone to follow along. 
Maybe we have to check if everything is still up to date. 

All the best


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