Great !

Don't worry to much about the mailing list, we don't use [EMAIL PROTECTED] atm. So this is the right place to post.

Extending the schema is a little bit complicated in this version, but it does not mean it's complicated.

Here are the steps :
1) create your schema using OpenLdap syntax (which is RFC syntax, btw)
2) put it in apacheds/core/src/main/schema, beside the other schemas
3) go into apacheds/core and modify the pom.xml file :
here, you just add your schema, with its dependencies.
4) now, go back to the root project and compile the project :
mvn install
(it will take around 3 minutes)
5) build the binaries :
cd apacheds/server-installers
mvn install

now, you can install the server with the installer that has been generated.

If you are lost, here is a link to a page which explains the build process :

I think there is something sompler, but I don't know it. Anybody on the list ?

However, if you have any pb, just push a mail. We will help you as fast as we can.

btw, which kind of project are you working on, if it's not secret ?

Emmanuel lécharny

On 8/23/06, Craig L. Ching < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I realize this is the developer's list and that it's a bit early for
ApacheDS, but I'm evaluating it for use in our products.  I'm trying to
figure out how to extend the schema (I need to add a new objectClass),
can anyone point me in the right direction?  I'm fine with reading some
code to understand it.


Emmanuel Lécharny

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