Hi guys,

those last days were buys, will heavy modifications (and painful ones) into
the server. All the operations were reviewed in order to make them atomic,
and also to remove useless lookups and improve their performance as a side
effect. The PasswordPolicy RFC is also being implemented, and should be
ready for 2.0-RC1 too. Some code cleanup was also conducted at the same
time, with some speed imrpvement in the tests, using concurrent tests when
possible. We also can now rebuild the index if hey are broken.

Here is the list of remaining issues now. Some have been fixed since the
last parade, but not that many :

Bug  B DIRSERVER-1499    The original entry in the ClonedServerEntry get
modified by some operations

Impv M DIRSERVER-1179    Leverage ClonedServerEntry better: review and fix
places where redundant lookup of entry is performed

Impv M DIRSERVER-1219    Review and make sure eager loading of target
entries in OperationContexts occurs at most once

Bug  C DIRSERVER-1327    Creating a new index when the server has already
stored values for the attribute does not work

Impv M DIRSERVER-1424    In integ test, add setter search for
ldapServer/service static fields

Impv m DIRSERVER-176     Cleaning LdapMessage classes

Bug  M DIRSHARED-63 LDIFEntry does not handle controls

Bug  M DIRSHARED-40    DN parser, LdapDN, Rdn, Atav issues

The following issue has also been fixed, but we are waiting for a
authorization to use the associated code from the original author :

+++ Bug  M DIRSERVER-1319    Cannot save String values larger than 64 Kb

Here is the list of all the JIRA we have to deal with for 2.0-RC1. We are
down to 47 bugs, and 179 issues globally :

Note :


B : Blocking

C : Critical

M : Major

m : Minor

t : Trivial

Bug : bug

Impv : improvement

Feat : new feature

Task : task

Test : test

Wish : wish

+++ Work in progress

??? Issue to be evaluated

>>> ACI issue

11 DIR (9T, 2W)


Task M DIR-248     Where to deploy generated documentation?

Task M DIR-254     Add a chapter in the doco to explain how to enable a

Task M DIR-257     Architectural overview

Task M DIR-258     Give the user directions about which version to use

Task M DIR-259     Setting admin password docs out of sync (need current

Task M DIR-260     Update documentation for Spring configuration (Basic User

Task M DIR-261     Why does download directory include the path element
'unstable' ?

Task m DIR-218     Reduce number of confluence spaces

Task m DIR-245     Create a page about using ADS with AcegiSecurity

Wish m DIR-120     Matrix comparison against other LDAP servers

Wish M DIR-255     Daily build download     Alex Karasulu

2 DIRSHARED (0.9.20)


Bug  M DIRSHARED-53 Review RequestID processing

DIRSHARED-53 is pending, waiting for clarification.

5 DIRSHARED (1.0.0-RC1)


Impv M DIRSHARED-11    Relax the ACI grammar parser     Unassigned

Impv M DIRSHARED-35    LdifEntry should expose methods to manipulate

Impv m DIRSHARED-37    Reconsider interfaces and base classes for Registries

Task C DIRSHARED-5     Add the missing javadocs

Task C DIRSHARED-50    Rename DN methods to reflect the Client API decisions

We have to finish 40, 5 and 50, so we can move those issues back to 0.9.20.

11, 35 and 37 could wait.

10 DIRAPI (0.2.0)


Bug  C DIRAPI-7      Low performance on search operation compared to JNDI
(around 5 times slower)

Bug  M DIRAPI-13     Recursively drilling into the directory structure
causes java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

Bug  M DIRAPI-17     Problem when we do a search with a filter with "*" in
the start or in the end of a expression with wildcards chars like for
example filter (uid=*se*).

Impv M DIRAPI-8      Make client-api schema aware

Impv M DIRAPI-15     The lookup() method should return an Entry

Feat M DIRAPI-2      Add generic support for Extended operations

Feat M DIRAPI-11     Implement the StartTLS operation

Feat C DIRAPI-12     Add the LDAPS connection

Feat M DIRAPI-14     Add an exists(DN) method

Task C DIRAPI-18     Check LdaConnection methods' parameters

DIRAPI-7 should be fixed. DIRAPI-13 has to be evaluated, not sure it's
really a problem.

Generally speaking, LDAP API is orthogonal with ADS 2.0



We have a total of 43 bugs on a total of 140 issues.

43 Bugs (1B 4C 32M 5m 1t):


Bug  B DIRSERVER-1518    Moving an entry which is a referral does not work

Bug  C DIRSERVER-955     FilterMatch permissions are not being handled in
Access Control decisions

Bug  C DIRSERVER-1252    Server tools dump command broken due to use of old

+++ Bug  C DIRSERVER-1402    Many Comparators are missing

Bug  C DIRSERVER-1458    Cursor API generic usage is totally wrong

Bug  M DIRSERVER-803     Creating an alias from a child entry to the
ancestor causes an error (return code 36)

Bug  M DIRSERVER-824     Collective attributes are not evaluated in search
operations when they are used in filter expressions

Bug  M DIRSERVER-922     Data is "lost" after adding Index to config file

>>> Bug  M DIRSERVER-999        rangeOfValues protedtedItem should not be
applicable in Entry scope

>>> Bug  M DIRSERVER-1000    The filter of the rangeOfValues protectedItem
should be evaluated on only the single attribute, not the whole entry

>>> Bug  M DIRSERVER-1169    Access control don't apply to the rootDSE

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1172    Sasl PLAIN mechanism should only be enabled/offered
after TLS layer is establish

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1198    Requests of usercertificate;binary are not

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1211    Error code 54 in modify-replace operation

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1223    @Ignore annotation on both core and server integ
causes tests to stop

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1240    After binding using NTLM, cannot query if
AllowAnonymousAccess is off

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1281    StreamCorruptedException after brutal shutdown

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1285    Quotes in DN are not handled correctly during
normalization [was: Quotes in DN on simple binds causes referral error]

+++ Bug  M DIRSERVER-1319    Cannot save String values larger than 64 Kb

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1330    Using a filter with present match with unknown
attribute type causes error (error code 16)

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1349    Alias not working with scope ONELEVEL_SCOPE

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1354    System files partition corruption

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1355    Alias dereferncing with subtree search isn't
working correctly

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1357    NullPointerException when deleting alias

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1373    Update of server certificate in uid=admin,ou=system
only takes effect after restart

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1390    Attribute caching issues - warning and error
messages thrown on startup

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1394    Modifying subschema subentry doesn't work in some

>>> Bug  M DIRSERVER-1419    Can inject accessControlSubentries when
creating a new entry

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1420    Cannot start the server : reuseAddress can't be set
while the acceptor is bound at shutdown

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1440    Using leading and/or trailing blanks in RDN
attribute leads to erroneous behaviour.

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1457    Binary Attribute Type causes

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1469    When a bind is pending, no other operation should
be allowed

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1490    Not 100% sure, but the DN caches we have in the
server might not be updated when doing a Move

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1491    Improve schema extractor

Bug  M DIRSERVER-1498    Reverting modification on referrals are not
handling corrrectly if the ManageDSAIT control is set

??? Bug  M DIRSERVER-1500    Error searching children of known element.

 May be cause by the deletion of an entry with children

>>> Bug  M DIRSERVER-1501    Access Control can't retain after restart.

Bug  m DIRSERVER-1209    Some SP tests are not working anymore because of
JNDI removal

Bug  m DIRSERVER-1312    Log4j with DEBUG

Bug  m DIRSERVER-1325    Simple Authentication can not be disabled

Bug  m DIRSERVER-1461    SaslGssapiBindITest.testSaslGssapiBind() test
method fails when /etc/hosts file contains values referring to

Bug  m DIRSERVER-1467    No permission to read all documentation about ACL

>>> Bug  t DIRSERVER-257        [Access Control] Autonomous areas for AC
must not overlap

36 Improvements (1C 24M 10m 1t)


Impv C DIRSERVER-1378    Remove the Singleton from the DirectoryService, as
it defeats the possibility to have more than one instance of this class

Impv M DIRSERVER-874     Entries should be normalized in the

Impv M DIRSERVER-997     Block search ability for userPassword attribute

Impv M DIRSERVER-1049    [PERF] Speed improvement in Search operation

Impv M DIRSERVER-1070    [PERF]Substring Filters are evaluated for every
single entry

Impv M DIRSERVER-1081    Injecting more information in the opContext

>>> Impv M DIRSERVER-1160    provide more details when throwing
"AccessControlException: access denied"

Impv M DIRSERVER-1164    SSL Cert Compatibility issue with LDAPS for Outlook

Impv M DIRSERVER-1178    Add parent entry and id of primary entry in
operation context

Impv M DIRSERVER-1225    Add a Entry factory and pass it as an argument to
the LdifEntry constructor

Impv M DIRSERVER-1248    rc.d init script to default to "default" instance

Impv M DIRSERVER-1282    Unit testing documentation is out of date

Impv M DIRSERVER-1290    [Perf]Potential Speedup by returning a ref instead
of a clone when asking for the RootDSE

Impv M DIRSERVER-1321    Clarify relationship between partition.syncOnWrite
and apacheDS.syncPeriodMillis configuration attributes

Impv M DIRSERVER-1322    Auto inferring context entry

Impv M DIRSERVER-1323    Command line tools for creating, deleting and
managing instances

Impv M DIRSERVER-1339    When doing a base scope search is a lookup

Impv M DIRSERVER-1382    Change the Cursor semantic for the next() and
previous() methods

Impv M DIRSERVER-1447    loadAllEnabled() method is taking way too long

Impv M DIRSERVER-1478    [Perf] The filterContents() method is suboptimal

Impv M DIRSERVER-1489    Provide access to remote connection info

Impv M DIRSERVER-1496    [perf] Entry should not be cloned when doing a

Impv M DIRSERVER-1511    Some operations are present in the Partition
interface when they should not

Impv M DIRSERVER-1513    Implement our version of NamingEnumeration

Impv M DIRSERVER-1514    Create our version of ExtendedRequest

Impv m DIRSERVER-289     Configure an optional password message digest
algorithm which is applied on userPassword attribute values at add and
modify operations.

Impv m DIRSERVER-477     Alias deferencing interceptor

Impv m DIRSERVER-872     [PERF]Still too many DN normalization

>>> Impv m DIRSERVER-876        Add a new 'supportedExtension' or
'supportedFeatures' value in RootDSE for ACI Item

Impv m DIRSERVER-953     Provide registration scope support for Subtree
(besides current Base support) in ModifyDN.Export/Import Triggers

Impv m DIRSERVER-1236    Store an AttributeEntry object in filter's node

Impv m DIRSERVER-1294    Add size() and hasNext() methods to cursors

Impv m DIRSERVER-1299    Add causes when rethrowing caught exceptions (e.g.
in org.apache.directory.server.integ.state.NonExistentState)

Impv m DIRSERVER-1310    Improve the way we handle controls

Impv m DIRSERVER-1359    Embedding guide problems

Impv m DIRSERVER-1460    Add locale to configuration

Impv t DIRSERVER-1346    Use ServiceLifecycleListener to avoid having
System.out messages for service start/stop events.

43 New Features (1C 34M 8m):


Feat C DIRSERVER-1436    Provide a tool to restore a crashed database

Feat M DIRSERVER-434     Add Support for Paged Search Results Control

Feat M DIRSERVER-440     Integrate clients into ApacheDS tools

Feat M DIRSERVER-443     JNDI Event delivery should be asynchronous in a
separate thread

Feat M DIRSERVER-641     provide a security context to

Feat M DIRSERVER-678     Add support for extended operations to the Core

Feat M DIRSERVER-760     reading .schema files at server start-up

Feat M DIRSERVER-866     Initialization with another backend than JDBM for
the system partition

Feat M DIRSERVER-887     provide remote access info (memnonic name and ip)
to complement audit trail info

Feat M DIRSERVER-910     Provide getEffectiveRights like capability within
Access Control subsystem

Feat M DIRSERVER-937     Add HTTP service for ApacheDS

Feat M DIRSERVER-992     Define new schema objects for Stored Procedure

Feat M DIRSERVER-1030    Add CascadeControl and add functionality to cascade
modify and delete effects

+++ Feat M DIRSERVER-1185    Add support for Password Policy

Feat M DIRSERVER-1186    Trace control and request level logging

Feat M DIRSERVER-1203    RFC2307bis Support is missing

Feat M DIRSERVER-1217    Binds with referrals can be used for delegated

Feat M DIRSERVER-1220    Implement the EXTERNAL SASL mechanism

Feat M DIRSERVER-1221    Suport the proxy auhtorization in SASL

Feat M DIRSERVER-1222    Add our own NTLM protocol implementation

Feat M DIRSERVER-1259    Make the userPassword not searchable from the

Feat M DIRSERVER-1261    Add some CL tools to rebuild indices

Feat M DIRSERVER-1263    Add authz schema

Feat M DIRSERVER-1264    Add extended operations to reverting

Feat M DIRSERVER-1265    Add support for VLV control

Feat M DIRSERVER-1291    Support of Proxied Authorization Control (RFC 4370)

Feat M DIRSERVER-1331    Ldif object should be able to return a List of

Feat M DIRSERVER-1345    Oracle partition implementation

Feat M DIRSERVER-1388    Add the DeleteTree control

Feat M DIRSERVER-1422    Delegation of Authentication

Feat M DIRSERVER-1427    Errors should contain the associated SchemaObject
when modifying the schema

Feat M DIRSERVER-1453    Map SASL principals to DNs for ACI validation

Feat M DIRSERVER-1477    Add an extended operation to re-index an attribute

Feat M DIRSERVER-1479    The cursor implementation does not have a hasNext()

Feat M DIRSERVER-1508    Add an extended operation to perform operations on
config schema dynamically

Feat m DIRSERVER-264     Add Support for Sort Control

Feat m DIRSERVER-275     Add Support for LDAP Password Modify Extended

Feat m DIRSERVER-441     Add Support for Language Tags and Ranges

Feat m DIRSERVER-939     Implement RFC 4529

Feat m DIRSERVER-954     Provide pluggable implementation support for
Trigger execution order

Feat m DIRSERVER-949     Add support for LDAP URLs in context searches

Feat m DIRSERVER-1004    Support REAL syntax and matchingRules without
precision loss

Feat m DIRSERVER-1246    Add shell scripts and batch files for clients

15 Tasks (1B 2C 10M 2m):


Task B DIRSERVER-1512    Major cleaning in startup logs needed

Task C DIRSERVER-1233    Add some unit tests for the CoreSession class

Task C DIRSERVER-1482    Many methods' signature just declare a throws
Exception : this is not enough

Task M DIRSERVER-550     Clear numerous documentation TODOs

Task M DIRSERVER-710     Exception tree should be reviewed

Task M DIRSERVER-1057    Misplaced StoreProcedure packages

Task M DIRSERVER-1193    Cleanup Index access methods after making
Partitions hold configuration info in bigbang

Task M DIRSERVER-1244    Code review + cleaning

Task M DIRSERVER-1245    Source audit

Task M DIRSERVER-1398    Add tests for modify Operation

Task M DIRSERVER-1403    Implement the missing normalizers

Task M DIRSERVER-1452    Fix all the @Ignored test classes and methods

Task M DIRSERVER-1481    core-integ IntegrationUtils is using JNDI

Task m DIRSERVER-1056    Cleaning the warnings

Task m DIRSERVER-1358    Adding a FAQ

3 Tests (1C 3M):


Test C DIRSERVER-1433    Add tests for every methods in SchemaManager

Test M DIRSERVER-1069    Outdated doc for unittesting version 1.5.1

+++ Test M DIRSERVER-1429    Implement tests for Syntax additions in

Emmanuel Lécharny

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