Hi Mark,

welcome to the documentation list!

Mark David Anthony Sr. wrote:
I'm working on a documentation team for a software development company, and its a new position for me. We're using openoffice and knowledgetree. I have the need to do a concordancer-like search (like Adobe Reader does) across multiple directories for openoffice docs. I can do this for PDF's with Adobe reader, and with several other tools I have. But I don't have any tools that will do this for openoffice. The concordancer type results I'm referring to is where it doesn't just show you what documents contain a word or phrase, but brings back a list of every occurrence within every doc as a live link to that occurence in that doc. It also shows the immediate context of the term. You can run a search in Adobe Reader 7 or 8 to see what I mean.

I don't know about such a software. It would be nice to have that.

In lieu of that, my next question would be if anyone knows of a way to transform a directory tree full of odt docs into pdfs without having to open and print each individual file.

There should be several solutions. One I found on Google is: https://www.ideals.uiuc.edu/wiki/bin/view/IDEALS/OpenOfficeConvert

Hope you don't mind my posting this question in this forum, but it seemed to me that since I wanted some help from tech writers about openoffice, there wouldn't be a better place to do it.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Technical Writer
  StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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