Jean Hollis Weber wrote:

I have just written a web page, with illustrations.

Would be good if you check it to see if I made any mistakes. (It's also now part of a draft chapter of the Calc Guide and will appear on the OOo wiki when I get a chance to upload it. It's probably a lot more detailed than relevant for the help, but a few sentences could probably be reused in the help.)



Your work is as beautiful as usual, but here is a little novice-user feedback on one point: list item 5 under *Using the Navigator*.

1) It wasn't obvious to me what to click on, to produce the "Insert as" menu, so I brought up the Navigator on a spreadsheet, to check out the tooltips. My Navigator looked like Figure 4, rather than Figure 3; that is, the lower right icon shows the "chain link" rather than the "pennant". You might want to comment on the difference.

2) You also might want to say a few words (or link to something) about the three options on that menu and what they do. My intuitive choice would have been, "Hyperlink", rather than the correct one, "Link".

3) Under what o/s did you make the screen-shot for Figure 4? When I bring up the Navigator on a spreadsheet, I'm seeing an error (3.0.1, WV). The *Contents* pane is truncating the header toolbar block, about half way up the down-arrow on the *Row* spin box. If it's working for you under Ubuntu, that implies a problem under WV (or a personal problem :-) ). I'll file an issue, with a screen-shot, and include your comments.

T. J. Frazier
Melbourne, FL

(TJFrazier on OO.o)

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