Have you looked at section 115 Auto Configuration in the OSGi R4 Mobile 
spec? I think it does what you want.

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance

office: +1 386 848 1781
mobile: +1 386 848 3788

Felix Meschberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: Felix Meschberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2007-07-12 03:36
Please respond to

Felix Dev <dev@felix.apache.org>

Configuration Admin Extension

Hi all,

Currently the Felix Config Admin implements the spec and as such
provides the configuration objects as required. What we are missing here
in one our projects is some kind of default configuration.

As far as I understand the specs, the Configuration Admin provides
configuration to ManagedService[Factory] objects. In addition the
Declarative Services specification defines, that the declared components
must be provided with Configuration Admin configuration (if the service
and such configuration is available) overwriting any declared properties
in the component declarations.

Our issue now is, that in some cases the default configuration inside
the ManagedService[Factory] objects or the declared components are not
sufficient for the application but the Configuration Admin does not have
any configuration yet to overwrite the defaults. We came up with the
idea of supporting such initial configuration to the Configuration Admin
inside of deployed bundles. Some service would pick up this
configuration and add it to the Configuration Admin.

So here is, what I propose:

The ConfigurationManager of the Felix Config Admin listens for bundle
changes. Whenever a bundle is installed, a special bundle manifest
header - e.g. Felix-Configuration - would be read, which contains a
comma-separated list of bundle entries. Each entry contains one or more
configurations to be added to the Configuration Admin. The
configurations from the bundles would be added to the Configuration
Admin using the permissions of the bundle providing the configuration.

Configuration is only added. That is, for normal configurations
(non-factory), the configuration is only added if no configuration with
the given service.pid already exists. For Factory configuration, the
given configuraiton would only be added if no factory configuration for
the given service.pid already exists. (In the future support for
configuration update/enhancement might be added, but this is a wide open
field, which I would not want to touch yet).

What do you think ? Would such an extension make sense to other people ?
Is the conceptual approach correct ?

I will provide a prototype implementation shortly in a JIRA issue for
further consideration. 

Thanks for any feedback on this.


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