2009/3/31 Clement Escoffier <clement.escoff...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I just cut a release of the Felix File Install 0.9.2. This useful bundle
> was only released once and several improvements were made since this
> release:
> ** Bug
>    * [FELIX-895] - File Install treats configuration files with identical
> subnames as the same configuration
>    * [FELIX-926] - FileInstall does not read all values from Configuration
> properties
>    * [FELIX-937] - FileInstall can't handle autostart bundles that are part
> of watched directory
>    * [FELIX-938] - FileInstall starts a stopped bundles even if it is
> stopped transiently by user
> ** Improvement
>    * [FELIX-920] - Add option to only install or "install and start" newly
> discovered bundles
>    * [FELIX-939] - Optimize File Install
>    * [FELIX-942] - Fileinstall unit tests
>    * [FELIX-983] - Allow property substitution in config file
>    * [FELIX-998] - Metatype definition for FileInstall
> Only [Felix-922] was not fixed, but it's a more long-term issue.
> The source and binary release archives, signature files, SHA and MD5
> message digests for each are available as zip and tar.gz here:
> http://people.apache.org/~clement/releases/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.fileinstall/0.9.2/<http://people.apache.org/%7Eclement/releases/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.fileinstall/0.9.2/>
> Please vote to approve these release archives:
> [ ] +1 Yes, release it now
> [ ] -1 No, don't release now (please provide specific comments)

+1  ... btw, for the next release we should use the 1.0.4 Felix parent pom
to get the source & javadoc jars

> Regards,
> Clement

Cheers, Stuart

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